Name (statement)

Syntax Name oldfile$ As newfile$
Description Renames a file.
Comments Each parameter must specify a single filename. Wildcard characters such as * and ? are not allowed. Some platforms allow naming of files to different directories on the same physical disk volume. For example, the following rename will work under Windows:
  Name "c:\samples\mydoc.txt" As "c:\backup\doc\mydoc.bak"
You cannot rename files across physical disk volumes. For example, the following will error under Windows:
  Name "c:\samples\mydoc.txt" As "a:\mydoc.bak" 'This will error!
To rename a file to a different physical disk, you must first copy the file, then erase the original:
  FileCopy "c:\samples\mydoc.txt","a:\mydoc.bak" 'Make a copy
  Kill "c:\samples\mydoc.txt"             'Delete the original
Example This example creates a file called test.dat and then renames it to test2.dat.
Sub Main()
  oldfile$ = "test.dat"
  newfile$ = "test2.dat"
  On Error Resume Next
  If FileExists(oldfile$) Then
    Name oldfile$ As newfile$
    If Err <> 0 Then
      msg1 = "The following error occurred: " & Error(Err)
      msg1 = "'" & oldfile$ & "' was renamed to '" & newfile$ & "'"
    End If
    Open oldfile$ For Output As #1
    Name oldfile$ As newfile$
    If Err <> 0 Then
      msg1 = "'" & oldfile$ & "' not created. The following error occurred: " & Error(Err)
      msg1 = "'" & oldfile$ & "' was created and renamed to '" & newfile$ & "'"
    End If
  End If
  MsgBox msg1
End Sub
See Also Kill (statement), FileCopy (statement).