Option Explicit
Sub OnMouseUp(x As Long, y As Long, flags As Long)
Dim mymsg As String
Dim used As Long, free As Long, total As Long, outFlags As Long
Dim charCount
Dim i
Dim myarray(100) As String
mymsg = ""
mymsg = mymsg & Chr$(13) & "---- BEFORE ----"
GetMemoryInfoStringSpace used, free, total, outflags
mymsg = mymsg & Chr$(13) & "SPACE used:" & used & ", free:" & free & ", total:" & total
mymsg = mymsg & ", outFlags:" & outFlags
GetMemoryInfoStringSpaceHandles used, free, total
mymsg = mymsg & Chr$(13) & "HANDLES used:" & used & ", free:" & free & ", total:" & total
' Use up some string space and handles
charCount = 0
For i = LBound(myarray) To UBound(myarray) Step 1
charCount = charCount + Len(myarray(i))
Next i
mymsg = mymsg & Chr$(13)
mymsg = mymsg & Chr$(13) & "---- AFTER populating, elements:" & (UBound(myarray) - LBound(myarray)) _
& " char count:" & charCount & " ----"
GetMemoryInfoStringSpace used, free, total, outFlags
mymsg = mymsg & Chr$(13) & "SPACE used:" & used & ", free:" & free & ", total:" & total
mymsg = mymsg & ", outFlags:" & outFlags
GetMemoryInfoStringSpaceHandles used, free, total
mymsg = mymsg & Chr$(13) & "HANDLES used:" & used & ", free:" & free & ", total:" & total
MsgBox mymsg, ebOKOnly+ebInformation, "Memory Info"
End Sub