Public testPublicLong As Long
Public testPublicString As String
Private pv_test As Long
Private pv_testString As String
Type ExampleRect
left As Integer
top As Integer
right As Integer
bottom As Integer
End Type
Public dd As ExampleRect
Sub OnMouseUp(x As Long, y As Long, flags As Long)
Dim ssUsed As Long
Dim ssFree As Long
Dim ssMax As Long
Dim psUsed As Long
Dim psFree As Long
Dim psMax As Long
Dim SymUsed As Long
Dim SymFree As Long
Dim SymMax As Long
Dim handlesUsed As Long
Dim handlesFree As Long
Dim handlesMax As Long
Dim memFlags As Long
testPublicLong = 1200
pv_testString = 1200
testPublicString = "constant string to show usage of string space by constants"
pv_testString = "More data, more data"
GetMemoryInfoStringSpaceHandles handlesUsed, handlesFree, handlesMax
GetMemoryInfoStringSpace ssUsed, ssFree, ssMax, memFlags
GetMemoryInfoPublicSpace psUsed, psFree, psMax
GetMemoryInfoSymbolSpace SymUsed, SymFree, SymMax
MsgBox "The current memory information: " + Chr$(13)_
+ "Handles Used = " + Format$(handlesUsed) + Chr$(13)_
+ "Handles Free = " + Format$(handlesFree) + Chr$(13)_
+ "Handles Max = " + Format$(handlesMax) + Chr$(13)_
+ "String Space Used = " + Format$(ssUsed) + Chr$(13)_
+ "String Space Free = " + Format$(ssFree) + Chr$(13)_
+ "String Space Max = " + Format$(ssMax) + Chr$(13)_
+ "Public Space Used = " + Format$(psUsed) + Chr$(13)_
+ "Public Space Free = " + Format$(psFree) + Chr$(13)_
+ "Public Space Max = " + Format$(psMax) + Chr$(13)_
+ "Symbol Space Used = " + Format$(SymUsed) + Chr$(13)_
+ "Symbol Space Free = " + Format$(SymFree) + Chr$(13)_
+ "Symbol Space Max = " + Format$(SymMax)
End Sub