DoQINTMath (function)

Syntax DoQINTMath param1,param2,param3,param4,param5,param6,param7
Description To do the mathematics on a LONGLONG or QINT datatype in CIMPLICITY.
Param1 Double. High value of target 64-bit value
Param2 Double. Low value of 64-bit target value
Param3 Integer. Param3 is the input operator. Values represent the following.
0 +
1 -
2 *
3 /
4 %
Param4 Double. High value of source 1.
Param5 Double. High value of source 1.
Param6 Double . High value of source 2.
Param7 Double. Low value of Source 2.
Sub Main()
   Dim qlowSrc1 as Double
   Dim qhighSrc1 as Double
   Dim qlowSrc2 As Double
   Dim qhighSrc2 As Double
   Dim qtargetlow As Double
   Dim qtargethigh As Double
   Dim qstr as String
DoQINTMath qtargethigh,qtargetlow,0,qhighSrc1,qlowSrc1,qhighSrc2,qlowSrc2    - Addition
qtargethigh,qtargetlow,1,qhighSrc1,qlowSrc1,qhighSrc2,qlowSrc2    - Subtraction   
End Sub
See also DoUQINTMath (function). Point.QuadValueAsString (property, read), Point.QuadValueAsString (property, write), Point.SetQuadIntValue (function).