CimProjectData.Entity (property, read/write)
Syntax | CimProjectData.Entity | ||
Description | String. The entity to obtain data for. Below is a list of the available entities and their attributes | ||
Example | Dim d as New CimProjectData d.Entity = "POINT" |
Entity List
Contains Action information
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
ACTION_ID | Yes | Action ID |
ACTION_TYPE | No | Action Type |
POINT_ID | No | Point ID targeted by the action |
PT_VAL | No | Point value |
PROC_OF_SRCPT | No | Source point, |
Contains Alarm Blocking Group Information.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
BLOCK_GROUP_ID | Yes | Alarm Blocking Group ID |
DESCRIPTION | Yes | Description of the group. |
PEER_BLOCK | Yes | Blocking Mode: If you select Peer Blocking mode, only the first alarm of a set of alarms with equal priority displays for that group. |
Contains Alarm Class information.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
CLASS_ID | Yes | Class ID |
CLASS_TITLE | Yes | Class title |
CLASS_ORDER | No | Class order |
CLASS_ALARM_FG | No | The foreground color to use for points of this class that are in alarm state. |
CLASS_ALARM_BG | No | The background color to use for points of this class that are in alarm state. |
CLASS_NORMAL_FG | No | The foreground color to use for points of this class that are in normal state. |
CLASS_NORMAL_BG | No | The background color to use for points of this class that are in normal state. |
CLASS_ACK_FG | No | The foreground color to use for points of this class that are in acknowledged state. |
CLASS_ACK_BG | No | The background color to use for points of this class that are in acknowledged state. |
CLASS_WAVE_FILE | No | The WAV file to play from the Alarm Sound Manager. |
CLASS_BEEP_FREQ | No | Frequency of beeps from the Alarm Sound Manager. |
CLASS_BEEP_DURATION | No | Duration of beeps from the Alarm Sound Manager. |
CLASS_BEEP_DELAY | No | Delay between beeps from the Alarm Sound Manager. |
CLASS_ALARM_BLINK_RATE | No | Delay between blinks when in an Alarm state. |
CLASS_ALARM_BLINK_FG | No | The foreground color to use when in an Alarm state. |
CLASS_ALARM_BLINK_BG | No | The background color to use when in an Alarm state. |
CLASS_NORMAL_BLINK_RATE | No | Delay between blinks when in a Normal state. |
CLASS_NORMAL_BLINK_FG | No | The foreground color to use when in a Normal state. |
CLASS_NORMAL_BLINK_BG | No | The background color to use when in a Normal state. |
CLASS_ACK_BLINK_RATE | No | Delay between blinks when in an Acknowledged state. |
CLASS_ACK_BLINK_FG | No | The foreground color to use when in an Acknowledged state. |
CLASS_ACK_BLINK_BG | No | The background color to use when in an Acknowledged state. |
CLASS_BEEP_NUMBER | No | The number of beeps sounded for the alarm. |
Contains Alarm information.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
ALARM_ID | Yes | Alarm ID |
CLASS_ID | Yes | Alarm Class of the alarm. |
ALARM_MSG | Yes | Returns the configured alarm message on the alarm. |
ALARM_TYPE_ID | Yes | Alarm Type ID of the alarm. |
DESCRIPTION | Yes | Description of the alarm. |
Sample Script
Dim objCimProjectData As CimProjectData
Dim strOptionalProject As String
Dim AlID As String
Dim AlarmMessage As String
Set objCimProjectData = New CimProjectData
objCimProjectData.Project = strOptionalProject
objCimProjectData.Entity = "ALARM_DEF"
objCimProjectData.Filters = "CLASS_ID=HIGH"
objCimProjectData.Attributes = "ALARM_ID,ALARM_MSG" 'Set the attribute to retrieve
'get The alarm info
While objCimProjectData.GetNext(AlID,AlarmMessage) = True
MsgBox AlID
MsgBox AlarmMessage
Contains Alarm Printer information.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
AMLP_NAME | Yes | Alarm printer name. |
AMLP_PORT | No | Alarm printer port. |
PAGE_WIDTH | No | Page width. |
PAGE_LENGTH | No | Page length. |
DATE_FORMAT | No | Date format. |
TIME_FORMAT | No | Time format. |
Contains Class information.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
CLASS_ID | Yes | Class ID. |
DESCRIPTION | Yes | Description of the class. |
Contains Client information.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
NODE_ID | Yes | Computer name. |
USER_ID | No | Default User ID. |
TRUSTED | No | Trusted computer. |
Contains Device information.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
DEVICE_ID | Yes | Device ID. |
RESOURCE_ID | Yes | Resource ID for the device. |
DESCRIPTION | Yes | Device description. |
PORT_ID | Yes | Port ID for the device. |
Contains Event information.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
EVENT_ID | Yes | Event ID. |
EVENT_TYPE | No | Event type. |
EM_ENABLED | No | Event enabled flag. |
ID | No | Event source identifier. |
RESOURCE_ID | No | Resource ID of the event. |
PT_VAL | No | For Point Equal event, the value of the point. |
Contains Event-Action information.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
EVENT_ID | Yes | Event ID. |
ACTION_ID | Yes | Action ID for the event. |
LOG_FLAG | No | Flag indicating if the event-action is to be logged. |
Contains Global Parameter information for the project.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
PARM_ID | Yes | Global Parameter ID. |
PARM_TYPE | No | Type of the global parameter. |
PARM_VALUE | No | Value of the global parameter. |
Contains Measurement Unit information.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
UNIT_ID | Yes | Identifier for the Measurement Unit. |
DESCRIPTION | Yes | Description displayed for the measurement unit. |
LABEL | Yes | Label displayed for the measurement unit. |
Contains Measurement System Information
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
UNIT_ID | Yes | Identifier for the Measurement System. |
DESCRIPTION | Yes | Description displayed for the measurement system. |
LABEL | Yes | Label displayed for the measurement system. |
Contains object information.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
OBJECT_ID | Yes | Object ID. |
CLASS_ID | Yes | Class ID for the object. |
DESCRIPTION | Yes | Object description. |
This is a specialized entity used to extract information from a specified object. The filter for this entity is OBJECT_ID=MY_OBJECT, where MY_OBJECT is replaced with the object name you wish to read. Since the function returns specialized attribute information, only one of the attributes may be used at a time.
This entity may not be used from the Event Manager or without a specified running project.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
DATA_ITEM | No | Returns all data items for the object. Each data item returns by a GetNext call. |
ATTRIBUTE, VALUE | No | Returns the attribute for the object. If VALUE is specified, it must be the second attribute, and the value of the attribute will be returned |
CLASS_ID | No | The Class ID of the object. |
Returns the name of the default graphic for the object's class. Must be specified with GRAPHICS_FILE
GRAPHICS_FILE | No | The Graphics File specified for the objects class |
HELP_FILE | No | The Help File specified for the objects class |
Contains Point information.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
POINT_ID | Yes | Point ID |
DEVICE_ID | Yes | Device ID for the point, where the point data originates. If the point is a global point, the device is "$GLOBAL". If the point is an equation point, the device is $DERIVED. |
RESOURCE_ID | Yes | Resource ID of the point. |
POINT_TYPE_ID | Yes | Point Type ID of the point (UINT, REAL, etc.) |
DESCRIPTION | Yes | Description of the point. |
DISPLAY_LIMITS_HI | No | High display limit of the point. |
DISPLAY_LIMITS_LO | No | Low display limit of the point. |
DISPLAY_LIMITS | No | Low and high display limits of the point separated by a hyphen. |
DISPLAY_FORMAT | No | Display format for the point. |
ELEMENTS | No | Number of array elements. |
HAS_LOG | No | State of the "Log Data" checkbox on the point properties |
ADDRESS | No | Device address of the point. |
ADDRESS_OFFSET | No | Address offset for the point. |
HAS_EU | No | Set to 1 if the point has EU Conversion, otherwise set to 0. |
ALARM_HI | No | High alarm limit for the point. |
ALARM_LO | No | Low alarm limit for the point. |
WARNING_HI | No | High warning limit for the point. |
WARNING_LO | No | Low warning limit for the point. |
ACCESS_FILTER | Yes | If the point is an enterprise point, this field is set to E. |
READ_WRITE | No | If point is read/write. |
MODIFIED | No | Data and time in string format that the point was last edited. |
DATA_TYPE | No | Point or SCAPI. |
POINT_CLASS | No | Point class |
ORIGIN | No | Device or derrived (virtual) |
DATA_LENGTH | No | Data length |
NEED _UPDATE | No | Update criteria |
UNIT_ID | No | Measurement units |
SET_NAME | No | Attribute set |
ENUM_ID | No | Point enumeration |
LEVEL | No | Security level. |
Contains Alarm String information.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
ALARM_STR_ID | No | Alarm String ID. |
ALARM_HI_STR | No | String for Alarm High state. |
ALARM_LOW_STR | No | String for Alarm Low state. |
WARNING_HI_STR | No | String for Warning High state. |
WARNING_LO_STR | No | String for Warning Low state. |
NORMAL_STR | Yes | String for Normal state. |
ALARM_HIGH_SEVERITY | No | Alarm High Severity level. |
ALARM_LOWEVERITY | No | Alarm Low Severity level. |
WARNING_HI_SEVERITY | No | Warning High Severity level. |
WARNING_LOW_SEVERITY | No | Warning Low Severity level. |
NORMAL_SEVERITY | No | Normal Severity level. |
Contains Point Display information.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
POINT_ID | Yes | Point ID. |
SCREEN_ID | No | The screen associated with the point. |
DISPLAY_LIM_LOW | No | The low limit for the point value display. Values below this limit will display as asterisks (***). |
DISPLAY_LIM_HIGH | No | The high limit for the point value display. Values above this limit will display as asterisks (***). |
Contains Point Enumeration information.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
ENUM_ID | Yes | Point Enumeration ID. |
DESCRIPTION | Yes | Description of the enumeration. |
Contains Point Enumeration Field information.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
ENUM_ID | Yes | Enumeration ID for the field. |
VALUE | Yes | The numerical value of the enumeration. |
TEXT | Yes | The text assigned to this enumeration value. |
SETPOINT_ALLOWED | Yes | Indicates if the point data field represented by this enumeration field can be set. |
Contains Point Type information.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
POINT_TYPE_ID | Yes | The Point Type ID |
DATA_TYPE | No | The numeric data type code for the point type. |
DATA_LENGTH | No | The numeric data length for the point type. |
Contains Port information.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
PORT_ID | Yes | The Port ID. |
PROTOCOL_ID | No | Identifier for the communication protocol used by the port. |
DESCRIPTION | No | Description displayed for that port. |
Contains information on Remote Projects.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
PROJECT_NAME | Yes | Project Name |
USER_ID | No | The User ID to log into the project. |
PASSWORD | No | Encrypted password for project login. |
ENABLE | No | Indicates if the project is enabled. |
EXCLUSIVE | No | Indicates if the project is exclusive. |
CONCPOINTS | No | For an Enterprise Server, indicates if points are collected. |
CONCALARMS | No | For an Enterprise Server, indicates if alarms are collected. |
RESOURCE _ID | No | For an Enterprise Server, the remote project's resource name. |
DEVICE_ID | No | For an Enterprise Server, the remote project's device name. |
Contains Protocol information.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
PROTOCOL_ID | Yes | Protocol ID |
Contains Resource information.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
RESOURCE_ID | Yes | The Resource ID. |
DESCRIPTION | No | Description of the resource. |
RESOURCE_TYPE | No | The Resource Type: SYSTEM or RESOURCE. |
ALARM_MGR_ID | No | The Alarm Manager process that receives alarms for this resource. |
Contains Role information.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
ROLE_ID | Yes | The Role ID. |
Contains Statistical Process Control Information.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
SPC_GROUP | Yes | A group, or subgroup, of SPC measurements. |
SPC_FILE | No | SPC Configuration Document file name. |
Contains global parameter information for the system.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
PARM_ID | Yes | System Parameter ID |
PARM_VALUE | No | Value of the system parameter. |
Valid Attribute Set Identifier
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
SET_NAME | Yes | Set Name |
DESCRIPTION | No | Description of the valid set. |
Contains User Information.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
USER_ID | Yes | The User ID. |
ROLE_ID | Yes | The users Role ID. |
PASSWORD | No | The users encrypted password. |
USER_NAME | No | The users name. |
ENABLE | No | Indicates if the user account is enabled or disabled. |
Contains Field Information for Point Attribute Sets.
Attribute ID | Filter | Description |
SET_NAME | Yes | Set Name. |
FIELD_NAME | No | Field Name. |
START_BIT | No | Start Bit. |
FIELD_SIZE | No | Field Size. |
READ_WRITE | No | Indicates if the field is read-only or read/write. 0 = Read only 2 = Read/Write |
UPD_DEVCOMM | No | Write to DevComm - Data will be sent to the associated devcom when this attribute is set. |
SAVE_WARMDATA | No | Preserve value - Indicates that this field should be saved on project shutdown. |