AlarmUpdate (statement)

Syntax AlarmUpdate Project$, AlarmId$ , ResourceId$ , Action% [ , AlarmMessage$ [ , UserId$ [ , RefId$]]]
Description To update a currently generated alarm. The alarm being updated may be of any alarm type. However, if the AlarmMessage$ is specified, it must be an alarm with an alarm type of $CIMBASIC.
Comments Parameter Description
Project$ String. The project to generate the alarm on, an empty string "" indicates the current project
AlarmId$ String. The ID of the Alarm. Must be a valid alarm.
ResourceId$ String. The Resource ID to generate the alarm against. Used to control routing of the alarm.
Action% Integer. Indicates whether to acknowledge or reset the alarm. Use the manifest constants AM_ACKNOWLEDGED and AM_RESET to perform an acknowledgment and a reset. By default, on a computer with Server Redundancy, alarm updates from the standby computer's Event Manager are ignored. To acknowledge or reset an alarm on the active computer from the standby computer, use AM_ACKNOWLEDGED_M or AM_RESET_M to override the default behavior.
AlarmMessage$ String. (optional). The update alarm message to display. Note: This string is substituted into the first variable field of the Alarm's message. For a user-defined alarm message, this will be the first %s field in the message. For a point alarm message, it will be the first variable field (%VAL, %ID, etc.) in the alarm message. For this reason, it is not recommended that you use the AlarmMessage$ field when updating point alarms.
UserId$ String. (optional). The User ID which generated the alarm.
RefId$ String. A Reference ID used to distinguish between identical alarms. The Reference ID needs to match the Reference ID of the generated alarm. If the alarm was generated without a Reference ID, then this field can be omitted from the call.
Sub Main()
      a$ = time$
      AlarmUpdate "BCEDEMO","MY_ALARM_1","$SYSTEM",x,_
            "Electrical Bus 1 " & a$
      AlarmUpdate "BCEDEMO","MY_ALARM_2","RESOURCE_1",x,_
            "Multiple Instance for each resource " & a$
      AlarmUpdate "BCEDEMO","MY_ALARM_2","RESOURCE_2",x,_
            "Multiple Instance for each resource " & a$
      AlarmUpdate "BCEDEMO","MY_ALARM_2","RESOURCE_3",x,_
"Multiple Instance for each resource " & a$
      AlarmUpdate "BCEDEMO","MY_ALARM_3","RESOURCE_1",x,_
"Multiple Instances for RefIf " & a$,"","1"
      AlarmUpdate "BCEDEMO","MY_ALARM_3","RESOURCE_1",x,_
"Multiple Instances for RefIf " & a$,"","2"
      AlarmUpdate "BCEDEMO","MY_ALARM_3","RESOURCE_1",x,_
"Multiple Instances for RefIf " & a$,"","3"
End Sub
See Also AlarmGenerate (statement)
Note When updating an alarm, the AlarmId$, ResourceId$ and RefId$ must match exactly to the alarm to be updated; if they do not match, the alarm will not be updated. When updating a point alarm, the RefId$ is always the Point ID (which is also the Alarm ID).

Guidelines that apply to AlarmUpdateEx also apply to AlarmUpdate.