Step 7. Set up  Historian Connections to Collect Data

About this task

Valid Historian connections that are listed on the Historian Connections tab can pull selected data from Historian and display it in CIMPLICITY applications.

A Open Add Historian Connections or Edit Histoian Connections dialog boxes.
B Add, edit, remove Historian connections.
Connection Guidelines.
  1. Open Add Historian Connections or Edit Histoian Connections dialog boxes

Dialog boxes that enable you to add, edit and/or remove Historian connections (to pull data from Historian), can be opened, as follows.

  • Historian Connections dialog box.
  • Historian Connections Tab in the CIMPLICITY Options dialog box

Historian Connections Dialog Box


  1. Open a Select a Tag browser anywhere that Historian tags can be selected and used in CIMPLICITY, e.g. an Expression field in CimEdit.

    An Historian Connections dialog box opens, displaying the list of Historian server/connections.

    Note: The Historian Connections dialog box offers the same functionality as the the Historian Connections tab in the CIMPLICITY Options dialog box.

  2. Add, Edit or remove connections, as follows.
    A Add button
    B Edit button
    C Remove button

    Historian Connections Tab in the CIMPLICITY Options Dialog Box

  3. Open the CIMPLICITY Optionsdialog box.
  4. Select the Historian Connections tab.

    Note: The Historian Connections tab offers the same functionality as the the Historian Connections dialog box.

  5. Add, Edit or remove connections, as follows.
    A Add button
    B Edit button
    C Remove button
    1. Add, Edit, Remove Historian Connections

    Buttons in the Historian Connections dialog box or on the Historian Connections tab in the CIMPLICITY® Options dialog box open the following dialog boxes to add, edit and/or remove Historian connections.

    A Add button

    The Add button enables you to add a server/connection to the Historian Connections list. During runtime, CIMPLICITY can pull data from Historian tags in applications and fields that use and display Historian tag values.

    Click Add.

    A blank Add Historian Connection dialog box opens.

    Entries to define the Historian connections are as follows.

    Field Description
    Connection Name An alias that will make the connection easy to recognize.
    Server Name Name of Historian server.
    Description Additional detail to help identify the Historian connection.
    Specify Username/Password Check to enable the Username and Password fields.
    Username Username that has access to the Historian Administrator.
    Password Valid password for the entered user. Note: A valid password is required to connect if a user name is entered.
    Buttons OK Closes the dialog box; adds the connection/server to the list.
    Cancel Cancels the addition.
    Test Tests the connection to the Historian server.
    B Edit button

    Specifications for any connection can be edited.

    1. Select the connection in the list to be edited; click Edit.

    An Edit Historian Connection dialog box opens.

    1. Make any required change.
    2. Click OK.


The Edit Historian Connection dialog box closes; the edited connection/server replaces the original connection/server in the Historian Connections list.

C Remove button

Any connection/server can be removed from the Historian Connection list.

  1. Select a connection
  2. Click Remove.

The connection is removed from the list; this connection will no longer be listed or be available when a user selects the connection/server that will supply Historian tag data for a feature, e.g. Historian Trend line.

Connection Guidelines

  • The default Historian server is selected as follows.
Machine Default Server is selected:
Server Historian Administrator.
Viewer During the Historian Client installation. Note: Historian Client can be installed during installation of the CIMPLICITY viewer.
  • The Historian connection file:
  • Is named histmgr_connection_config.xml.
  • Is located in the ...\CIMPLICITY\data directory.
  • Is stored at the computer level.
  • Must be identical on the server and the viewer.
Tip: histmgr_connection_config.xml can be included in CIMPLICITY deployment to insure that it is identical on the server and viewer.