2. Object Scaling

About this task

  • Scaling overview
  • Scaling configuration

Scaling Overview

When you use CimEdit's scaling feature to configure an object, its horizontal and / or vertical dimensions will change during runtime based on the current value of one or two expressions. This is another way for a CimView user to be ably to glance quickly at a CimView screen and see when a change occurs.

If you define both horizontal and vertical scaling for an object, you may use different expressions, minimums, maximums, percent scales, and fixed locations for each scaling.

Note: In order to make sure text is legible:
  • Text objects will only change size when scaled vertically.
  • Text Button objects with Auto Size checked will not change size when scaled.


  1. Select the object you want to scale.
  2. Open the object's Properties dialog box.
  3. Configure either or both of the following.
    • W - Width scale.
    • H - Height scale.

    Scaling Configuration

    Select Scaling in the Properties dialog box.

    Runtime horizontal and vertical scaling specifications are as follows.

    A Expression
    B Expr min/max
    C Percent scale
    D Fixed location
    A Expression

    A point ID or expression that will determine the object location between the START and END positions.

    Opens the Expression Editor.
    Opens a Popup menu.
    B Expr. min/max
    C Percent scale

    The percent scale is calculated by dividing the object's end size (largest width/height) by the object's start size (smallest width/height).

    Status bar

  4. Place the object's horizontal/vertical width in the START size.
  5. Select the object.
  6. Note the horizontal/vertical sizes in the CimEdit status bar.
  7. Do the same for the object's END position.

    Properties Dialog Box

  8. Place the object's horizontal/vertical width in the START size.
  9. Open the Properties dialog box for the object.
  10. Select Geometry.
  11. Note the values in the Position Width and/or Height fields.


    Dimension Field
    W Width Width
    H Height Height
  12. Close the Properties dialog box.
  13. Do the same for the object's END size.
  14. Divide the END by START values.

    The value is the size the object will expand to on the CimView screen.

    Example: Horizontal

    Maximum Width/Minimum Width = Percent

    105/29 = 362(%)

    Example: Vertical

    Maximum Height/Minimum Height = Percent

    65/28 = 232(%)

    D Fixed Location

    The starting point for scaling is as follows.

    Option Side of object starts from:
    Left Left
    Center Center
    Right Right