Text File Format Syntax

The text file you create with the /converttoctx command line option has a defined syntax. When the text file is created, the file begins with <TextFileFormat>. Tokens, except for "(" and ")" should be delimited by whitespace.

Special notations used in the BNF Description include:

  • <non-terminals> are displayed in italic type and enclosed with angle brackets
  • Terminals are displayed in bold face type. Terminals are case insensitive. Terminals consisting of a single character are enclosed in quotation marks.
  • <alternative> | <items> are separated by a vertical bar.
  • [<optional-items>] are displayed in square brackets.
  • <repetitive-items>}* are displayed in curly brackets. An asterisk (*) following the brackets indicates the item may appear 0 or more times. A plus sign (+) following the brackets indicates the item may appear 1 or more times.