About this task

For Database Logger System or Project
Purpose To alter the default name that CIMPLICITY uses to refer to a field that reports the sub-second portion of timestamps in the database.
Value String that will be the fractional portion of timestamps field name.
Default Value msec


  1. If you want to enable DB_MSEC_FIELD, create or enable the parameter before you create any tables in the database.

    CIMPLICITY creates the field as part of a table's primary key when it creates the table. CIMPLICITY creates tables when you start your project for the first time or reconcile a table through the Database Logger Configuration program. Therefore, you will have to drop any table that exists before you create or enable DB_MSEC_FIELD so CIMPLICITY can recreate them with the new field.

  2. If you are logging data from multiple projects to the same database then all projects must have the feature identically configured.
  3. Only Point Logging, Alarm Logging and Trending clients fully support this feature.