For CimEdit/CimView (Classic ASCII File Imports) System or Project
Purpose To specify a floating-point number (for a CimView file that was imported from the Classic system) that represents the number of document units per world coordinates when converting ASCII (.ASC) screens to .CIM format. ASC files store screen information in floating point "world coordinates". The screens are 100.0 world coordinates wide by 60.0 world coordinates high. Document units in .CIM files are integers in TWIPS (twentieth of a point, 1440 TWIPS/inch).
Value Number (for doc. units/world coord) Example If you want your .ASC screens to be about six inches wide on the display, you should use a scale factor of (1440 doc. units/inch)*(6 inches/screen)/(100 world coord./screen) which equals 86.4 doc. units/world coord.
Default Value 86.4