For CimEdit/CimView (Classic ASCII File Imports) System or Project
Purpose To allow manipulation of (non-scalable) font sizes when a screen is imported from the Classic system to CimView. GSM_ASC_FONT_SIZES uses a list of the 16 values to use for the 16 text sizes in an ASCII (.ASC) file (GRE text sizes 0 to 15, which are stored in the .ASC file as -1 to 14).
Value An increase or decrease of one or all default values to increase or decrease the font display. Example You want the fonts to display 25% larger on a CimView screen that you imported from the Classic system. Enter values that are 25% larger than the default values as the GSM_ASC_FONT_SIZES value. 140, 175, 210, 350, 455, 700, 753, 753, 753, 753, 753, 753, 753, 753, 753, 753
Default Value 112, 140, 168, 280, 364, 560, 602, 602, 602, 602, 602, 602, 602, 602, 602, 602.