For Database Logger Project
Purpose To enable the dumping of diagnostic information for the Database Logger to the MAC_DL.out and MAC_PTDL.out files in your project's log directory.
Value Enter one of the following: A sum of any combination of:
0 Stop dumping diagnostic information–Must be explicitly specified to stop dumping diagnostic information to the log files.
1 Print full syntax of ODBC error messages.
2 Print details of database connection when established.
4 Print syntax of ODBC statements if they fail.
256 Print application-specific details.
512 Print details of bulk insertion errors.
1024 Rename/keep store and forward files after loading them. If you need additional diagnostic information, a value of 7 (1+2+4) is recommended. Additional undocumented values should only be used by GE Intelligent Platforms engineers as they send a great number of messages to MAC_DL.out and MAC_PTDL.out that could quickly fill your available disk space.
Default Value 0