About CIMPLICITY .NET Component Hosting
Component Hosting v1.0 enables you to take advantage of .NET technology by seamlessly supporting hosting .NET components in CIMPLICITY screens.
- .NET Control: Configuration guidelines.
- .NET Control: Technical reference.
Install and System Requirements
Installed features and requirements for .NET components include:
- The .NET Component Hosting 1.0 package is automatically installed with the CIMPLICITY v8.2 SIM 10 or higher.
- Component Hosting 1.0 requires that Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 be installed with the target system.
This was installed when CIMPLICITY v8.2 was installed.
- Two additional modules, specifically tailored for interfacing with CIMPLICITY screen editing and runtime views, are also installed without user interactions.
The modules, which are demo and sample components, are installed into the following folder.
..\<CIMPLICITY Installation>\exe\DotNet Components.