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Digital Twin

CPV uses Digital Twin technologies to increase peak power output by 10x while reducing costs

10 X

Increased use of gas turbine's peak fire service

2 %

Improved accuracy of Day Ahead capacity predictions



Competitive Power Ventures (CPV)


Power Generation Software

Product Categories

Operations Performance Management (OPM)

Results overview

Competitive Power Ventures (CPV) is using GE Digital’s Operations Performance Management (OPM) software to drive significant operational production gains. CPV has increased use of the gas turbine’s peak fire service by 10x without impacting its maintenance interval and has improved the accuracy of Day Ahead capacity predictions by 2%. Manual Excel-based processes have been replaced with AI/ Machine Learning algorithms, enabling CPV to compile weather data and plant status to more accurately predict the hourly capacity and heat rate of their plants.


GE Digital’s Operations Performance Management software creates digital twins of processes and assets to help team members more accurately predict day-ahead and intraday plant capacity and heat rate. This helps CPV to make the most profitable use of that capacity through improved commitment preparation, fuel nomination and dispatch planning.



Headquartered in Silver Spring, Maryland, Competitive Power Ventures (CPV) has ownership interest in 4.2 Giga Watts (GW) of clean generation across the United States. The company’s Asset Management division currently manages more than 9,300 Mega Watts (MW) of fossil and renewable generating facilities in nine states for 12 different owner groups. CPV is dedicated to increasing America’s energy sustainability by providing safe, reliable, cost-effective and environmentally responsible electric power. Through investments in world-class innovation, including GE Gas Power’s cutting-edge gas turbine combustion technology, CPV is continuously improving its ability to serve the millions of customers that use its electricity every day.


It's been a very positive experience working with GE. We've seen an increase in output, we've seen improved performance.

Joe Michienzi - Vice President, Asset Management, CPV

Excel-based process create delays and inaccurate data


CPV is driven to provide world-class asset management by developing and operating power generation facilities using cutting edge, domestically available natural gas and renewable power technologies. However, limitations due to manual processes and static models used in daily dispatch decisions and the increased maintenance costs associated with peak firing its gas plants were hindering their ability to fully optimize plant dispatch to realize their vision.


Every plant participating in an Independent System Operator (ISO) market must submit Day Ahead bids. How CPV predicted a plant’s output to bid into the Day Ahead market involved a manual process requiring operators to submit an Excel file with simplified correction curves and links to a weather website. Filing guidelines were strict – an exact time frame, to specific users, using an exact subject line.


CPV automated the process as much as possible, but weather data delays, missed deadlines due to important issues at the plant, and even simple spelling errors, often negated the team’s efforts to deliver as desired. Most notably, predicted MW output was not always accurate.


Additionally, it was often too costly to use the full capacity range of a plant, including peak firing of the gas turbine. Peak firing a gas turbine is a more efficient option than other supplementary power sources, such as duct burners, but the increase in maintenance cost associated with its use and managing the maintenance interval shift made it difficult to handle the downside.


Streamlined Operations

Better accuracy, more consistency and greater flexibility to adapt 


In an effort to streamline and automate operations at its plants, CPV adopted GE Digital’s Operations Performance Management (OPM) to create a ‘Digital Twin’ of critical processes. OPM analyzes historical data, plant operations and other data sources to monitor and identify areas of improvement, predict capacity to improve day ahead and intraday planning, deliver executable advice and drive desired outcomes including improved capacity.


By creating a Digital Twin of critical plant processes, energy traders, asset and plant managers can better understand the day-ahead and potential plant capacity, as well as how to make the most profitable use of that capacity through commitment preparation, fuel nomination and dispatch planning. OPM Production Planning leverages machine learning to derive a more accurate predictor of capacity and allows CPV to maximize their ability to offer the most MWs in the Day Ahead market and not expose them to real-time market pricing if the forecast is off. This helps CPV to increase their Day Ahead revenues. It also provides more accurate performance predictions because it includes the use of barometric pressure, which has a direct effect on power output and was not easy to bring into the Excel calculation. Unlike the previous Excel models, the OPM solution is reliable, consistent and adaptable - automatically adjusting to weather formats as they change and providing configurable reports tailored to the needs of different energy managers for plants in different ISOs. Furthermore, with GE Digital's OPM software, the operators no longer need to worry about sending out the report and can focus on their time where it is needed most – reliably operating the plant.


Additionally, with OPM and leveraging GE’s Digital Twin and Advanced Controls technology, the Capacity Dispatch Optimizer banks energy credits when the plant runs at part load by reducing gas turbine firing temperatures, while maintaining the same output. The banked credits are used to offset the effects of peak fire and therefore do not impact the maintenance interval or costs. This allows CPV to deliver extra capacity when the marketplace needs it most, without having to incur additional maintenance costs or worry about the maintenance interval changing and falling in a peak operating season. With CPV’s invested and continual deployment of cutting-edge technology, such as OPM, their operations are propelling to the forefront of the competitive power industry. 



The introduction of OPM has driven remarkable efficiency and optimization across CPV’s operation. CPV has increased use of peak fire by 10x without impacting its maintenance interval and has improved the accuracy of the day ahead capacity predictions by 2%. Cumbersome, manual Excel-based processes have been replaced, enabling CPV to compile weather and plant status to predict megawatt output, which allows for increased accuracy while reducing man-hours and potential for errors. OPM Digital Twin software helps team members predict day-ahead and intraday plant capacity to make the most profitable use of that capacity through commitment preparation, fuel nomination and dispatch planning. CPV’s mission in modernizing America’s electric grid by providing safe, reliable, cost-effective and environmentally friendly electric power is made possible with the help of innovative solutions such as GE Digital’s OPM software.


CPV and GE have built a longstanding and prosperous relationship, which will continue to be nurtured and fostered in years to come as their teams work toward the same goal of efficient, reliable and affordable energy generation.